Mens Lifestyle

Beard Shampoo

If you’re like most bearded men, when you take a shower and wash your hair, you use the same shampoo on your beard without even thinking. It’s all hair right? Wrong.

The hair on your face and the hair on your head are completely different. You already know they don’t feel the same and that’s for good reason. The hair on your face needs the sebum oil that your skin secretes. Using regular shampoo to wash your beard strips it of all the oils it needs to be healthy. Not to mention the skin under your face becomes dry and scaly.

The best thing to use on your beard is a beard wash or beard shampoo. Beard washes/shampoos won’t strip your beard of the vital oil it needs to be healthy. It will also leave the oils intact on your skin so you won’t have to deal with the itchy, dry, flakes.

If you use regular shampoo your beard hair will be more likely to break or become damaged. You can even develop split ends. Even worse than that, if the skin beneath your beard becomes dry enough, you may even get bald spots. So you see, there is more to growing a nice beard than simply not shaving.

Beards can be majestic and a thing of honor if you take good care of them. If you’re on instagram you’ve probably noticed several beards that grab your attention. That’s because there are beard models. I kid you not. Guys are chosen to model their amazing beards. Do you think that happens by accident? I can guarantee you it doesn’t

To gain a nice beard you have to take care of it. Kind of like taking care of your body. If you don’t eat right and exercise you may gain weight and become unhealthy. The same goes for your beard. If you don’t nourish it with oils and beard shampoos and conditioners it will be unhealthy.

I think most bearded men get it. We want our beards to look good. Sometimes we don’t know the proper tools we need to achieve that goal though. That’s why we’re here. We give you the information you need so you can make the proper choices.

A quick search on Amazon will give you numerous results for beard shampoo. One thing I noticed recently is that Old Spice is even getting in on the act. Before it was hard to find any name brands providing beard products. It’s becoming so mainstream that they can’t ignore it now. Beards are here to stay, they aren’t a passing trend.

Some things you need to keep in mind when choosing a beard shampoo. Don’t fall for false claims that they will grow your beard faster, thicker or that it will fill out bald spots. Those claims are only trying to play to your insecurities. There is no magic potion that will make your beard grow faster, thicker and nothing will fill magically fill in those bald spots.

The only thing that will help your beard grow faster is eating right, getting rest and taking proper care of your beard. As for it growing thicker and getting rid of bald spots. Some things are genetic. If you have bald spots, don’t give up. The longer your beard grows the less you’ll notice those bald spots. Use your beard oil and beard shampoo. Those two things will be a huge step in making your beard everything you want it to be. Don’t be afraid to try different beard shampoos until you find the right one for you. Your beard is the first thing people will notice about you. Make sure it speaks volumes. Take good care of it and it will show.


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