Healthy Living

Healthy Beards

Healthy Beards


Beards have been a way for men to set themselves apart from other men since the dawn of time. A quick look back through history will show you many great rulers who had beards. Even the fierce Viking warriors were mostly bearded.


Did you know though that many of these bearded men groomed their beards and took care of them? That’s right, they weren’t just running around with dirty beards, they took pride in their beard. They didn’t have all of the information or products what we have available today, but there is evidence of men being buried with combs made from bone that they used on their hair and beards.


What Makes a Healthy Beard?

You may be asking yourself this question. A healthy beard is made up of a few different things. First, vitamins, it takes a healthy diet full of the vitamins your body needs to grow a full and healthy beard. Second, oils, your body makes natural oil that your hair and face need to produce a great man mane.


You also need genetics. As much as we don’t like to hear this one, it’s true. Some men have very patchy beards, others can’t grow one at all. There are a few products out there that may offer a little help, but make sure that you read all reviews and be a smart consumer before sinking your money into those products.


Last, you need to keep your beard groomed. If you’re wanting a big bushy beard, you may not think that cutting or trimming will get you there, but it does. It’s just like a tree that you have to prune for the new growth to come. When you trim your beard you are getting rid of damaged hair and you’re stimulating the beard so it will grow.



As I stated above vitamins are crucial for your beard growth. A balanced healthy diet is the best way to help your beard out.


There are vitamins specifically formulated for men and beard hair growth. Make sure you do your research. You don’t want to get a product that has hormones in it. Those can have some nasty side effects. The vitamins that you are looking for are similar to the ones marketed toward women and hair growth. Biotin is one of the ingredients you want to look for.


Many people have claimed to have had their beards grow in thicker and fuller. There have even been claims with some of these vitamins that the patchy areas fill in some. You’ll have to weigh the possible benefits to price to see if this is something you want to invest in.


Let’s start with your bare face. Everyday your face produces sebum oil. When you don’t have a beard that oil is used to keep your face hydrated and protected. When you begin to grow your beard out, the hair sucks up that oil to hydrate itself. It doesn’t take long for your face to begin to dry out.


As the hair grows longer, your face can’t keep up with the oil demand that your hair needs, so then it too begins to dry out. This is the first thing that will likely happen to your beard as you grow it.


This leads us to a growing industry. Beard oil and beard balms have exploded on the market in recent years. It seems like every barbershop has their own brand. Barbers aren’t the only ones getting in on this, regular guys like you and me are deciding to go into business for themselves and make their own beard oil.


With so many beard products on the market, you may want to try a few to see what you like best. You want an oil that doesn’t sit on your beard, but on that soaks in to provide it with the hydration it needs. No matter which oil  you choose, make sure to use it daily for best results.


When applying beard oil, make sure you sue the correct amount for your beard length and work the oil all the way down to the skin. Use a beard comb afterward to comb it deep into the beard and evenly distribute it.



Beard balms are a little different than beard oil. Balms are heavier. While beard oils are good at taming the hairs to a point. Balm can really get a handle on the wildest hairs. I can tell you from experience, I do not want to go without my beard balm. I can tell the difference in the appearance and softness of my beard when I use it.


As with beard oil, there are a lot of balms out there as well. Many places that sell these products will offer them to you as a set with the same scent. In my opinion you need both of these to have a healthy beard that you will be proud to show off.



As I said above, grooming your beard is extremely important. Just like the oils and the balm you will be inundated with the amount of products out there for grooming. What you really need is a good pair of scissors, a nice boar hair bristle brush and a beard comb.


You can find a good pair of beard scissors almost anywhere. Make sure you get stainless steel and keep them dry. The last thing you want is a pair of dull scissors that ends up yanking your hair when you trim.


Boars hair bristle brushes can be found a lot of places too. But again read the reviews of the products, some of these brushes are cheaply made and will lose bristles easily. You’ll love the way the brush makes your beard look. It pulls out any dust and dirt and fluffs it up, for me at least. Also make sure to clean the brush from time to time to get that dust and dirt out so you aren’t putting it right back into your beard the next time you brush it.


Some guys use a regular comb for their beard. This is a bad idea and I’ll tell you why. Hair combs tend to be plastic and they will tangle in your beard hair easily. I know this from experience. I used to use one on my beard and it was always getting stuck or pulling my hair out. A good beard comb will have a side with wider teeth and one with smaller teeth. You can go through with the wide tooth first and then with the smaller tooth side. This will ensure that you get the tangles out first before you yank the hair with the small tooth side.


One other important grooming task you need to think about is shampooing. Sure you can use your regular shampoo and conditioner, but it will dry your hair out. There are shampoos and conditioners specifically for beards.


These specialized products will help not to dry your beard out as bad and will help promote a healthy beard.

Exercise and Sleep

It’s not a trick to get your to exercise. Getting a regular nights sleep and exercising will do wonders for your beard. These are things that promote your overall health to begin with. If you are healthy then everything about you tends to be more healthy. Don’t discount the fact that a lack of sleep and exercise can wreak havoc on your body.


Look at your beard as an investment into your appearance. You wouldn’t wear dirty or wrinkled clothing and you shouldn’t neglect your beard. Studies have shown that one of the first things people notice about you is your face. Your beard is going to say a lot about you. If you don’t take care of it people will see that. And as much as we don’t like to think it, we are judged by our appearance.


One last thing you will want to think about. Make sure you use a barber that knows what they are doing when it comes to trimming beards. You won’t want to trust this job to just anyone. One mistake can set you back months. Most barbers won’t attempt it if they aren’t properly trained, but make sure you ask them if you aren’t sure. They won’t mind talking about their training. They enjoy it.


A healthy beard will make you confident, so take care of it. I’ve given you all the tools you need to be a successful beard grower. Once you get into the daily routine you’re going to enjoy it. There is something very relaxing about beard grooming. Now it’s up to you. Have fun.


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